5 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengaruh dari self efficacy terhadap entrepreneur intention, dan menguji efek mediasi dari motivasi, entrepreneur attitude terhadap entrepreneur intention wanita pemilik UMKM kota Surabaya. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan metode survey. Penelitian ini menggunakan data primer dari responden wanita pemilik UMKM di bidang makanan dan minuman yang terdaftar di Disperindag kota Surabaya. Pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik kuesioner dan di olah menggunakan alat analisis Partial Least Square (PLS) dengan software SmartPLS 2.0. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan jika self efficacy berpengaruh postif dan signifikan terhadap entrepreneur intention. Kemudian, variabel motivasi memediasi hubungan antara self efficacy dan entrepreneur intention, dan entrepreneur attitude juga memediasi hubungan antara self efficacy dan entrepreneur intention. Sehingga variabel motivasi dan entrepreneur attitude memediasi hubungan self efficacy terhadap entrepreneur intention secara parsial

    Pemberdayaan Usaha Kecil Menengah Sepatu Melalui PenerapanTeknologi Emboss dan Perbaikan Manajemen

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    The community service program carried out in Sidoarjo Regency aims to help solve priority problems experienced by shoe MSME partners. There are two priority problems that must be resolved to empower partner MSMEs to improve the quality and quantity of their production, namely: (1) low quality and quantity of leather shoe brand labeling production, and (2) poor financial management. Methods to overcome the problem of low quality and quantity of brand labeling production are carried out through the application of semi-automatic leather embossing machines with electric energy and to overcome poor financial management through training and mentoring of financial management with a participatory approach. The results of this community service program are: (1) Electric energy semi-automatic leather embossing press machine, 2) a simple cash book. The conclusion of the results of the implementation of PKM activities that have been carried out with partners is that by increasing the quality and quantity of partner shoe brand labeling production with a magnitude of 30 times faster or (3000%) increase besides that the financial management of partner SMEs has been carried out properly through recording business financial flows using simple ledger


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    Surabaya is the area with the highest spread of the Covid 19 virus in East Java. Every day more people infected with this virus in the city of Surabaya. With the high number of the spread of the Covid 19 virus, the Surabaya city government and the East Java provincial government imposed large-scale social restrictions (PSBB) to break the chain of spreading the virus. In addition, nationally, the minister of national education, with the COVID-19 pandemic, issued regulations for learning from home for schools from elementary to high school and university. The problem arises when learning activities from home for students who are in a boarding house because it is affected economically, socially and psychologically. There are those who cannot go home because of PSBB regulations, they are afraid that their home area will be in the red zone and various other reasons that require them to stay in the boarding house. This community service has a target of increasing nutritional resilience and immunity, especially to ward off disease and maintain body immunity so that it remains excellent for students who survive at the boarding house. The method used was data collection of students affected by Covid 19 who survived in the boarding houses around the Ketintang UNESA campus and the distribution of nutrition and immunity enhancing food ingredients. As a result, there were 35 packages distributed to Unesa FE management students who were affected by Covid 19 to survive at home until now. The recipient of the package considers that the package is very important to maintain endurance so that it is not susceptible to disease. Keywords: Strengthening nutrition, immunity, management students, covid 1

    Increasing Batik Market Share Through Optimization of Web-based Digital Marketing

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    The business continuity of MSME entrepreneurs is affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, especially those engaged in batik Fashion, where Fashion shows or exhibitions are cancelled. To support batik entrepreneurs, product and technology innovations that adapt to market conditions are needed. In order to increase sales of batik Fashion in the pandemic era through digitalization, an appropriate marketing strategy is needed to increase technological literacy that has a positive impact on increasing market share.This community service activity aims to analyze and implement strategies to increase the market share of batik MSMEs through optimizing web-based digital marketing. This type of community service is field research with a qualitative descriptive approach. The method of data collection was carried out by survey and observation methods. The implementation of the training uses tutorial and lecture techniques. The implementation of community service is carried out in 4 stages, namely the identification of batik UMKM partner problems, formulation of partner problem solutions, providing e-commerce training in the form of e-commerce web design training and content creation, and evaluation and assistance in the form of partner understanding and satisfaction surveys. SMEs in Kampung Batik Lemahputro, Sidoarjo have implemented several forms of web-based marketing applications into their businesses, but their level of use is limited to basic marketing applications such as e-mail and static websites. However, MSMEs already have a moderate understanding of the benefits of web-based marketing and more than 50 percent of SMEs indicated that they are aware that web-based marketing can improve overall performance and profitability

    Adapting Business Model with Covid-19 Pandemic Using Business Strategic Cards

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    The Covid-19 pandemic crisis has dealt a severe blow to the Indonesian economy, especially the informal sector that driven by small and medium enterprises (SMEs). The implementation of physical and social distancing as part of a health protocol to overcome the pandemic forces food and beverage SMEs to adjust its product quality and service provision based on these standards and become more consumer-oriented. It is relevant to changing consumer lifestyles, which prioritize hygiene and product benefits for health. To adapt to this situation, SMEs are also required to adjust business models that support work flexibility, collaborative teamwork, and organize workplaces with incremental and iterative work sequences to achieve constant developing changes and help them to achieve their goals more effectively. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the process of adaptation of business models in food and beverage SMEs in Surabaya to the Covid-19 pandemic crisis